Hot Air Ballooning News

Hot air balloons and hot air ballooning are reported-on by print and broadcast media around the world. Sometimes the story is a local event, a record-breaking attempt, business or sponsorship news, or something else entirely.

The most popular seasons for hot air ballooning occur during the most suitable weather conditions - such as acceptable clouds (if any), good visibility, and low/gentle winds, but some wind, obviously ! So, it is always a good time for hot air ballooning somewhere in the world.

The following articles are our summaries of hot air ballooning news as we find it - with links to more information elsewhere on the internet:

05 February 2009

Reciprocal Balloon Engines to harness Renewable Energy

26 January 2009

Hot Air Balloons Celebrate Australia Day

3 January 2009

Balloon brings down Power Cables, England

22 March 2007

The Balloon Orchestra

14 March 2007

New Balloon Season, Spring 2007



News Page updated 2009.


Check before Booking

Have you heard of the company before ?

How long have they been operating ?

How flexible is the ticket ?

Are you restricted to one small area of the UK ... or can you choose from sites Nationwide ?

For how many years has your pilot been flying commercially ?

... Have a safe flight !


Can I fly from all these places ? : What is a "Balloon Glow" : Ballooning in USA : Terms